Cov khoom

Xauj los ntawm: Tag nrho
  • Amethyst is the birthstone of February and symbolizes loyalty

    Amethyst yog lub hnub yug ntawm Lub Ob Hlis thiab ua cim kev ntseeg siab

    Amethyst yog ib qho siv lead ua tripartite, cov siv lead ua yog hexagonal columnar, cylindrical nto yog transverse, muaj sab laug thiab txoj cai zoo, ntxaib-krystal yog ntau heev.Lub hardness yog 7. Cov siv lead ua feem ntau muaj cov tsis xws luag los yog tis-kua kua inclusions.

  • Natrual Aquamarine Loose Gems Round Cut 0.8mm

    Natrual Aquamarine Loose Gems Round Cut 0.8mm

    Aquamarine zoo yog ntsuas los ntawm xim, pom tseeb, txiav thiab qhov hnyav.Cov xim ntshiab, tsis muaj grey, tsis muaj dichroism, tuab thiab ci xim ntawm tus nqi siab tshaj.Qee cov aquamarine nrog cov kev taw qhia suav nrog tuaj yeem ua tiav rau hauv miv lub qhov muag los yog cov nyhuv hnub qub, thiab aquamarine nrog cov nyhuv tshwj xeeb kho qhov muag yog kim dua.Aquamarine nrog tib xim, clarity thiab txiav yog qhov tseem ceeb dua yog tias nws hnyav dua.

  • Natural Black Sapphire Heart  Loose Stone 7x7mm

    Ntuj Dub Sapphire Lub Plawv Pob Zeb 7x7mm

    Cov xim hloov Sapphire hauv Corundum yog tiag tiag, nws yuav tshwm sim xim sib txawv hauv lub teeb sib txawv, tseem hu ua xim hloov corundum lossis cov khoom muaj nqis xim xim, qhov kev hloov xim yuav tsum tshwm sim los ntawm chrome keeb hauv corundum.

  • Natural Black Spinel Loose Gems Marquise 2x4mm

    Ntuj Dub Spinel Loose Gems Marquise 2x4mm

    Dub SPINEL, los ntawm nws tawm, cov zis yog nws tus kheej-pov thawj, muaj pes tsawg pua lab, feem ntau ntawm cov no yuav tsis ua los ntawm txhais tes inlaid tiav cov khoom, feem ntau siv siv wax inlaid technology los daws cov inlaid, dub spinel electroplating khoom yuav tsum yog. siab dua, feem ntau, kev laus ntawm qee cov khoom siv lossis kev kho qhov kub tsis zoo ntawm cov neeg ua haujlwm txawj yuav ua rau cov xim dub spinel tshwm sim los ntawm electroplating.

  • Citrine Oval Hanging Ornaments Inlaid Bare Stone Wholesale

    Citrine Oval Hanging Ornaments Inlaid Liab Qab Pob Zeb Lag luam wholesale

    Citrine sib txawv ntawm cov xim ntawm daj mus rau lub teeb xim av thiab yooj yim to taub nrog citrine.Cov xim daj hauv citrine yog vim muaj cov hlau oxide hauv dej.Ntuj citrine tsis tshua muaj thiab tsim nyob rau hauv ob peb qhov chaw, tsuas yog Brazil thiab Madagascar ua tau zoo Citrine nyob rau hauv tsawg.

  • Natrual Color Spinel Loose Gems Round 1.0mm

    Natrual Xim Spinel Loose Gems Round 1.0mm

    Liab Spinel muaj lub ruby ​​zoo li ci khoom kim heev liab, nws kuj muaj nuj nqis heev.Nws tau hnav lub tsho ntawm tus txiv plig ntawm Vatican, Tsar ntawm Russia, tus tub ntawm Iran, thiab tus huab tais ntawm lub tebchaws Askiv.

  • Natural Cordierite Loose Gems  Round Cut 1.0mm

    Ntuj Cordierite Loose Gems Round Cut 1.0mm

    Cordierite yog cov ntxhia silicate, feem ntau yog lub teeb xiav lossis lub teeb liab doog, glazed luster, pob tshab rau translucent.Cordierite kuj muaj cov yam ntxwv ntawm kev ua tau zoo tshaj plaws polychromatic (tricolor), emitting lub teeb ntawm cov xim sib txawv hauv cov lus qhia sib txawv.Cordierite feem ntau yog txiav rau hauv cov duab ib txwm, thiab cov xim nrov tshaj plaws yog xiav-ntsuab.

  • Size 1.0mm Round Cut Natural Diopside Loose Gems Crystal Clean

    Loj 1.0mm Round Cut Ntuj Diopside Loose Gems Crystal Clean

    Cov xim ntawm diopside yog xiav-ntsuab mus rau daj-ntsuab, xim av, daj, ntshav, tsis muaj xim mus rau dawb.Luster rau iav luster.Yog hais tias chromium muaj nyob rau hauv diopside, cov ntxhia muaj ib tug ntsuab tinge, yog li diopside gems feem ntau tsis meej pem nrog rau lwm yam gems xws li daj-ntsuab olivine, (ntsuab) tourmaline, thiab chrysoberite, uas yog vim li cas nyob ntawm lwm yam kev sib txawv ntawm lub cev ntawm cov minerals mus paub qhov txawv lawv.

  • 1.0mm Natural Green Agate Loose Gems

    1.0mm Ntuj Ntsuab Agate Loose Gems

    Agate yog ib hom chalcedony ntxhia, feem ntau tov nrog opal thiab cryptocrystalline quartz banded block, hardness 6.5-7 degrees, tshwj xeeb lub ntiajteb txawj nqus 2.65, xim yog heev hierarchical.Muaj translucency los yog opacity.

  • Natural Green Sapphire Loose Gems Crystal Clean Round 0.8mm

    Ntuj Ntsuab Sapphire Loose Gems Crystal Clean Round 0.8mm

    Lub distinguishing nta ntawm ntuj thiab hluavtaws
    Ntsuab sapphires txiav tsaus xiav protolith los qhia cov xim ntawm cov xim ntsuab lossis xiav-ntsuab rau pem hauv ntej, ces ntuj ntsuab sapphires tuaj yeem tsim.

  • Natural Gems White Moonstone Round 3.0mm

    Ntuj Gems Dawb Moonstone Round 3.0mm

    Moonstone yog txheej pob zeb pob zeb pob zeb ntawm orthoclase thiab Albite.Moonstone yog tsim nyob rau hauv Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Is Nrias teb, Brazil, Mexico thiab European Alps, uas Sri Lanka tsim cov khoom muaj nqis tshaj plaws.

  • Natrual Gems Orange Sapphire Round 0.8mm

    Natrual Gems Txiv kab ntxwv Sapphire Round 0.8mm

    Txiv kab ntxwv, lub streak yog xim tsis muaj xim, pob tshab, glazed luster, hardness 9, tshwj xeeb gravity 4.016, {0001}, {10 ˉ 10} Cleavage.[1]

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